Stevensville School District


Workers’ Compensation Benefits

All employees of the District are covered by workers’ compensation benefits.  In the event of an industrial accident, an employee should:

  1. Attend to first aid and/or medical treatment during an emergency;
  2. Correct or report as needing correction a hazardous situation as soon as possible after an emergency situation is stabilized;
  3. Report the injury or disabling condition, whether actual or possible, to the immediate supervisor, within twenty-four (24) hours, on the Employer’s First Report of Occupational Injury or Disease; and
  4. Call or visit the administrative office after medical treatment, if needed, to complete the necessary report of accident and injury on an Occupational Injury or Disease form.

The administrator will notify the immediate supervisor of the report and will include the immediate supervisor as necessary in completing the required report.

An employee who is injured in an industrial accident may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.  By law, employee use of sick leave must be coordinated with receipt of workers’ compensation benefits, on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the Workers’ Compensation Division, Department of Labor and Industry.

The District will not automatically report to the workers’ compensation agency an industrial accident but will investigate as it deems appropriate to determine:  (1) whether continuing hazardous conditions exist which need to be eliminated; and (2) whether in fact an accident attributable to the District working environment occurred as reported.  The District may require the employee to authorize the employee’s physician to release pertinent medical information to the District or to a physician of the District’s choice, should an actual claim be filed against the Workers’ Compensation Division, which could result in additional fees being levied against the District.

An employee who elects to receive Workers’ Compensation benefits shall, upon commencement of the benefits, be considered in a Leave Without Pay status, and shall no longer be eligible for District group insurance benefits except as may be required by the Family Medical Leave Act and to the extent provided for all employees on Leave Without Pay status, i.e., that all premiums are due in advance on a monthly basis for the duration of the Leave Without Pay.  The district will discontinue its contributions for groups insurance on behalf of any employee on a Leave Without Pay status at the end of the month in which the Leave Without Pay commences.

Legal Reference:
§§ 39-71-101, et seq., MCA   Workers’ Compensation Act

Policy History:
Adopted on: February 2002
Revised on: July 2010