Stevensville High School


Please know that our distance learning model will look much different than it did during the first stages of the COVID pandemic, last spring.  Education will now be much more robust and intensive, so there will be daily requirements for all distance learners, in each class.

  1. Students will check into their classrooms each period through Google Meet/Google Classroom at their scheduled class time.
  2. Teachers will interact with our online learners each period as well.  Communication for assignments, quizzes, etc. will be laid out for the distance learners in a similar format as our students who are in person learning.
  3. It will be up to distance learning students to self-motivate in their classes.
  4. Distance learners must do online learning for an entire quarter.  Students who decide they wan to come back into SHS can do so at the quarter benchmarks only.
  5. Attendance for distance learners will occur each period.
  6. All distance learners will communicate with teachers during the teachers’ scheduled workday only.
  7. If students have a camera function on their device, they are encouraged to please use it so the classroom teacher can interact with them in the best possible manner.  This is not required but encouraged.
  8. Distance learners will still be held to the same rules and regulations in our SHS handbook.  That includes things like dress code, no obscenities, no online bullying, etc.  If violations become a perpetual issue, Mr. Larson will communicate with our distance learners and their families.
  9. School for all distance learners will start on September 14th.  Distance learners will be allowed to come into SHS on September 9th, 10th, and 11th, to get any necessary information or items from SHS that will be necessary during the first quarter (class syllabi, class supplies, etc.).
  10. The Chromebook situation has changed as well from last spring.  Distance learners will need to provide their own device for logging into their classes and communicating with their teachers.  The Chromebooks at SHS will primarily be used for our students who are on campus.  Exceptions to this rule will only occur under very special circumstances and with approval from Mr. Gum
  11. If a student or parent has issues within any of their student’s classes, please communicate with the student’s teacher prior to contact a building principal.


The Stevensville Schools Distance Learning Model in an image form