The Stevensville Public School System has been accredited by AdvancEd. AdvanceEd accredits educational institutions across the United States as well as in 70 other countries. While Stevensville High School has been accredited by AdvancED/Northwest Accreditation for more than 75 years, Stevensville Middle School and Primary Schools have been accredited only by the State of Montana.

In order to attain accreditation, schools must meet or exceed AdvancED Standards and accreditation policies, demonstrate quality assurance through internal and external engagement reviews, and demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement.

The Stevensville Public Schools designated a School Improvement Team to review all aspects of the school district, collect data on school performance, and develop goals to assist the District and each individual school building provide the best possible educational services to Stevensville Students.

In April of 2018 a review team of five individuals selected by AdvancED conducted a visitation of the Stevensville Public Schools. The team conducted a review over a three-day period using a set of rigorous research-based standards and evidence based criteria. The AdvancED accreditation team examined the entire school district by reviewing policies, programs, practices, learning conditions, and cultural context to determine how well the educational parts work together to carry out the institution’s vision and meet the needs of every learner.

Based on the review and recommendation of the visitation team, the Stevensville Public Schools have received notice that they have been accredited by AdvancED. Superintendent, Bob Moore stated, “the culture of continuous improvement is an ongoing journey. We are always looking for ways to improve our educational practices, systems, and procedures to best fit the needs of our students. We will use this input to continue our efforts to improve the Stevensville Public Schools.”