Stevensville School District


Indoor Air Quality

The District shall ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible. District ventilation systems shall undergo annual checks by the school facility manager, superintendent or other staff approved by the superintendent to ensure ventilation systems are operating within manufacturer parameters.

Air filters in the District shall have a minimum efficiency reporting value of between 8 and 13 as recommended by the National Air Filtration Association and the EPA unless other types of non-MERV rated filters are used.

To the greatest extent possible during times of poor outdoor air quality, the District shall change filters to MERV 13 or greater in ventilation systems using MERV rated air filters. The District shall clean any electrostatic air filters according to manufacturer specifications.

Th school facility manager, superintendent or other staff approved by the superintendent shall complete annual indoor air quality inspections using the Walk-Through Inspection Checklist from EPA’s Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools or other DPHHS-approved inspection form.

The District shall maintain records of indoor air quality inspection on site for no less than three years and the records shall be made available to the local health authority and DPHHS upon request.

Legal Reference:
37.111.826, ARM Indoor Air Quality

Policy History:
Adopted on: August 9, 2022
Reviewed on: July 12, 2022
Revised on: August 9, 2022