Stevensville Public Schools


Student Conduct on Buses

The general student code of conduct is applicable to conduct on school buses.

The Superintendent may establish written rules of conduct for students riding school buses.   Such rules will be reviewed annually by the Superintendent and revised if necessary.  If rules are substantially revised, they will be submitted to the Board for approval.

At the beginning of each school year, a copy of the rules of conduct for students riding buses will be provided to students, and the classroom teacher and bus driver will review the rules with the students.  A copy of the rules will be posted in each bus and will be available upon request at the District office.

The bus driver is responsible for enforcing the rules and will work closely with a parent and building principal to modify a student’s behavior.  Rules shall include consistent consequences for student misbehavior.  A recommendation for permanent termination of bus privileges, accompanied by a written record of the incident(s) that led to the recommendation, shall be referred to the Superintendent for final determination.  The student’s parent or guardian may appeal a termination to the Board.  No further appeal shall be allowed.

Cross Reference:
3310 Student Discipline
8111 Transportation of Students With Disabilities

Legal Reference:
§ 20-4-302, MCA Discipline and punishment of pupils – definition of corporal punishment – penalty – defense
20-5-201, MCA Duties and sanctions

Policy History:
Adopted on: February 12, 2002
Reviewed on: September 11, 2018
Revised on: December 17, 2001; April 14, 2015; October 9, 2018