Stevensville School District


Legal Status, Operation and Organization

The legal name of this District is Stevensville School District No. 2, Ravalli County, State of Montana. The District is classified as a class 1 district and is operated according to the laws and administrative rules pertaining to a class 1 district.

The Board of Trustees of Stevensville School District No. 2 is the governmental entity established by the State of Montana and constitutionally charged of the supervision and control of all aspects of the District’s operations.

To achieve its primary goal of providing each child with a basic system of free quality education as required by Montana Law, the Board shall exercise the full authority granted to it by the laws of the state. Its legal powers, duties, and responsibilities are derived from the Montana Constitution and stat statues and administrative rules.

Policies of the District define and frame the manner via which the District conducts its official business. The policies of the District are modified/updated from time to time to reflect the operation of the District.

Legal Reference:
§ 20-3-323, MCA District policy and record of acts
§ 20-3-324, MCA Powers and duties
§ 20-6-101, MCA Definition of elementary and high school districts
§ 20-6-201, MCA Elementary district classification
§ 20-6-301, MCA High school district classification
§ 20-9-309, MCA Basic system of free quality public elementary and Secondary schools defined – identifying educationally relevant factors – establishment of funding formula and budgetary structure – legislative review
Article X Section 8. MT Constitution

Policy History:
Adopted on: February 12, 2002
Reviewed on: February 14, 2017; May 1, 2023
Revised on: March 14, 2017