Stevensville Public Schools                                       

School District #2                              

300 Park Street                                  

Stevensville, Montana 59870                              

Telephone: (406)777-5481                             

Fax: (406)777-5291


Special Board Meeting


February 21, 2019                             7:00 p.m.                           Music Center Choir Room

1. Opening of meeting – call to order – present – salute to flag:

Chairman Greg Trangmoe called the special board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Music Center Choir Room.  Greg Trangmoe led in the pledge of allegiance.  Trustees present were Lucas McCormick, Sean Lenahan, Michele Brunson, Cathi Cook, Tim Schreiber and Sarah Armijo.  Billy Donaldson arrived at 7:10 p.m.  Superintendent Bob Moore and Business Manager/Clerk Bill Schiele were present.

2. Approval of Claim:

Chairman Greg Trangmoe asked if there were any questions or comments on the claim that is up for approval. Greg told the Board this claim is for the bus the Board approved at the February 12, 2019 board meeting.  Greg told the Board this claim is for $85,942.80 with claim #35114.  Sean Lenahan made a motion to approve the claim as presented.  Michele Brunson seconded the motion.  All voted aye.

3. Recognize Visitors/Public Comment:

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

Board Comment:

Audience member Vicki Motley asked if the percentage of the returned surveys makes it a valid survey.  Bob told Vicki the district expected approximately a 10 to 14 percentage return of surveys and the returned surveys were within that range.

4. Business: Item for Action

A. Employment: Maintenance – James Montague

Chairman Greg Trangmoe asked the Board if they have any questions on the hiring of James Montague in the maintenance department.  Cathi Cook made a motion to hire James Montague as a maintenance worker effective February 12, 2019.  Lucas McCormick seconded the motion.  All voted aye.

B. Resignation: Myles Almaguer – Action not required

Superintendent Bob Moore told the Board the district received a resignation letter from Myles Almaguer effective March 4, 2019.  Bob told the Board this is an informational item only and does not need Board action.

C. Call for Elections

i. Call for Election of Trustees

Superintendent Bob Moore told the Board they need to call for a trustee election that will be held on May 7, 2019.   Bob told the Board there are three positions open for the Elementary/High School district.  Bob told the Board they need to decide if they want a walk-in election or a mail ballot elect for the trustee election and bond election.  Bob talked about the pros and cons of both types of election.  After discussion on what type of election, the Board decided to have a mail ballot election.  Cathi Cook made an approve the resolution calling for a trustee election on May 7, 2019.  Sarah Armijo seconded the motion.  All voted aye.

ii. Call for Election of Contraction Bonds

  1. High School
  2. Elementary

Superintendent told the Board he has included in their packet copies of the High School and Elementary resolutions and ballot language that was prepared by the districts bond council Dorsey-Whitney.  Bob went over the election resolution language and the ballot language in their packet. After discussion on why the bond ballot language is more detailed then the bond resolution, Cathi cook made a motion to approve the High School bond election resolution in the amount of $14,169,000.00 as presented.  Sean Lenahan seconded the motion.  All voted aye.

Chairman Greg Trangmoe asked the Board if they have any questions on the Elementary resolution and ballot language as presented.  Cathi cook made a motion to approve the Elementary School bond election resolution in the amount of $6,369,000.00 as presented.  Billy Donaldson seconded the motion.  Lucas McCormick, Sean Lenahan, Billy Donaldson, Greg Trangmoe, Cathi Cook, Tim Schreiber and Sarah Armijo voted aye.  Michele Brunson could not vote.

5. Litigation Strategy – Executive Session

Chairman Greg Trangmoe told the Board there will be no litigation strategy session tonight.

6. Adjourn:

Cathi Cook made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Lucas McCormick seconded the motion.  All voted aye.


Board Chairman: Original signed and in District Office.

Date: March 12, 2019

School Board Clerk: Original signed and in District Office.